Grief Recovery is about so much more than loss...

It's about having a safe place, using the best tools, to express what your heart needs to say

Recovery is about becoming emotionally complete and beginning the next season of your life with a fresh perspective.

The Grief Recovery Method is designed to walk you through recovery from any kind of loss with supportive guidance every step of the way. 

This One on One Online format offers the opportunity to to experience the incredible healing of the Grief Recovery Method within a safe, confidential and private coaching experience.

You will be fully equipped with the life-changing tools of the Grief Recovery Method that have been developed and refined over the past 40 years. 

It is never too soon and it is never too late to start .
Transform your life in 8 weeks
The Benefits:


Examine your current coping mechanisms around grief and trauma and discover how losses have affected your life.

Become emotionally complete and experience peace with any type of loss.

​Overcome self-sabotaging and self-limiting behaviors and discover how they are linked to unresolved grief.

​Develop healthy boundaries in any type of relationship.

​Experience breakthroughs you never thought possible.


8 weekly Zoom calls will give you the opportunity to share 
your heart in the 90 minute
 Private Coaching call.

Traditional therapy encourage grievers to talk about their pain, but don’t always offer 
a path to recovery. 

You will be guided step-by-step to take actions that are proven to heal your heart.

You are never alone in this process. You will have access throughout the program for support and guidance.


Transformation happens when 
you are able to get to the root of the issues that cause 
self sabotaging patterns. 

The Grief Recovery Method 
is an action-based program
 that practices healthy attachment as you heal the root cause of behaviors such as:
and attachment wounds.

These steps will lead you to complete unresolved emotions that may still be causing you to stay in self destructive patterns. 

Meet Your Coaches

Daniel and Vicki Hagadorn have been helping people as Breakthrough Coaches specializing in rebuilding after loss, grief and trauma as Advanced Grief Recovery Specialists

They have personally experienced the healing of their past with the tools of Grief Recovery which transformed their ability to be  present and fully experience life and the relationships that mean the most to them.

Their 20 years of experience with the Grief Recovery Method and dedication to helping others heal their hearts, is what makes them experts in the field grief and loss. 

Your cost for the complete 8-Week Program is $1200

Here's What Is Included:

  • Private coaching in a safe and secure environment
  • The Grief Recovery Handbook
  • ​8 Weekly 90 min Interactive Zoom Calls
  • Course Materials To Guide You Through The Program 
  • The Only Evidence Based Program For Grief and Loss 
  • Access between sessions for questions or help  
If you are suffering with the pain of a broken heart, there is one major question you can ask yourself: 

Do I want to continue to suffer this pain for the rest of my life? 

Many people think this is the only option, and the fate they must endure forever. Many become accustomed to finding themselves in tears at odd moments throughout their days when they think of a love or relationship lost. Others believe that their loss has destroyed their happiness 
and sense of security, and now feel that they will be bitter and joyless forever. 

That is not the case. You have options that can move you out from under this cloud.

We are proud to say that research at Kent State University has shown that The Grief Recovery Method approach to helping grievers deal with the pain of emotional loss is “Evidence Based” and effective. 

The Grief Recovery Method is the only Grief Support Program to have received the distinction of being evidence based!
FreedomFromGrief© 2003-2024